Dear beautiful darling Gabriella,
Hi it's me Mommy.You know when you were in my belly I promised to compile lots of letters for you and as you see I have not done so and I apologize. Last night I was going through your baby pictures, and while you're still a baby I'm talking about a tiny newborn little baby and I cannot beleive that that was you. You have changed so much in these past 7 months little girl. I started reminiscing about the past few months since you were born and am afraid that I cannot slow the pace of time. I thought back to the first day that I was left alone in the hospital room with you. Daddy had left to school and the nurses called and said you were going to be released from the NICU. I was so utterly excited and could not believe I was going to be able to have you in my room all to myself. They wheeled you in your little crib and there you were so tiny and fragile. And there we were just you and me.You were just looking at me. Honestly this was my first time that I had ever taken care of a newborn and I admit I was terrified! What would I do if you cried, if I couldn't soothe you, if I couldn't change your diaper right? Of course I look back and think how ridiculous that sounds because I just
knew how to take care of you from the very start.
Someone once told me that my mother instinct would immediately kick in and it did. If you cried I would nurse you and hold you in the warmth of my arms and you would settle. Of course you were also a pretty easy baby so I have to give you some credit. Thanks for cooperating with me, sweet girl.
I still rememeber the day we were going home. I dressed you up in the Baby Gap onsie Daddy had picked out for you and a pink headband. We waited for Daddy to pick us up and there you were swimming in your infant carseat.
Just recently we had to switch to the convertible one since you were getting to heavy to haul around. I think back to the day we got home from the hospital, the sleepless nights, your first bath, the time we took you to the pumpkin patch-
at 5 weeks old I may add! Thinking about your first holiday season and your beatiful tree we put up especially for you makes me warm inside.
I remember the days where we would take naps together. You would get all snuggled up on my chest and I loved to feel you breath on me. We still take those naps every once in a while but you much rather be scooting on the floor, chewing on a toy, or being squirmy while mommy is holding you. I love your smiles, and coos, to now your f contagious full blown giggles and laughs. I love your bath time as much as you do because you have a blast every time.
These days you have become a lot more independent, yes even at 7 months! You sleep so peacefully in your room and no longer need me to hold your bottle. You have recently started putting food in your mouth (puffs, which you love) and I imagine that the day when I won't need to spoon feed you will soon arrive. By the way you love your veggies and fruits especially squash, carrots, and peas. Bananas and yogurt are your fave also!
I cherish every single moment with you sweet baby. Everything that I was once told about motherhood is just that and so much more. You will know what I'm talking about one day when you become a mother. It is the most beautiful undescribable joy and I have you to thank for all of it.
Happy 7 Months old beautiful girl.