Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blueberries and Spaghetti...

Not together of course, but Gabriella tried both of them for the first time this past week. I wasn't planning to give her "table" food just yet and we still are not at this point but I figured I make my yummy organic spaghetti from scratch and its pretty healthy. I do want to keep her away from all the things that she cannot have until 1 year old, but I want to expose her to various textures and spices little by little. It is very important for her to get her nutritious fruits and veggies and that is foremost what her diet conists of. Here are some adorable pictures which shows she clearly enjoyed both very much!

I imagine this is what she is going to look like with "lipstick", ha!


The DougFish said...

Watch out, she may have expensive taste and demand Dior or Mac ;)

Mrs. C said...

Oh geez,
I have two Channel lispticks and guard them with my life:P They were a bit steep, ha! I love Mac though.