Gabriella is 7 months now and its definitely an adventure having her around! She's such a happy baby most of the time, and it's amazing how her little personality shines through. She does let us know when she gets bored and wants to do/play with something else, though. We've learned that she gets bored easily and needs to be changing sceneries often and she lets us know with a loud scream. I love that she has such a strong personality and expresses what she feels even at this young age. She has continued to be a good sleeper, knocks on wood and we really appreciate that about her. Miss G is still doing the army crawl and has not yet learned to crawl on all fours. Her new entertainment is giving herself milk baths. That's right, when she's decided she's had enough to eat she starts to play with her bottle, turning it upside down and squirting milk all over herself. It was great when she started holding her own bottle, but now we have to be watching her to make sure she does not end up drenched in milk:)
Gabriella has been on solids for a month now and is really enjoying all her food. So far she has had all of the foods below. Her favorites are marked with an asterisk, as you see its most of the food. Her absolute favorite are bananas and yogurt with anything. She devours the yogurt!
Peas ***
Carrots **
Sweet Potato
Green Beans*
Chicken noodle soup***
Tiny bits of chicken breast**
We have tried a combination of a lot of these foods and I try to introduce at least 2 new foods a week, ensuring to wait the 3-4 days to look out for allergic reactions. The two new foods for this week are mangos and blueberries. Although we gave her some bits of chicken to try she is not on meats yet. We will gradually introduce them closer to 8 months. We started giving her puffs (with the ok the her pedi) to have her practice the finger grasp concept and she quickly got the hang of it. The sippy cup was introduced at 5 months and she finally learned to suck and drink out if it a few days ago. I only give her about 1-2 ounces of water in her sippy cup with dinner to have her continue to practice with it. It's been really fun cooking her food, introducing new foods, and trying out differnt combinations.
Gabriella is still wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 in shoes. This weekend she was sportin' her new Baby Gap jellies and bug-eye to come. Its a blast having her in our lives! Here are some more things Miss Gabriella has been up to lately.
Months 7 & 8
Senses: A lovey rules just about now -- the familiar feel and smell of a treasured blankie or teddy is reassuring. Gabriella has a favorite blankie given by Aunt Dill. She rubs it and puts it in her mouth as with everything else nowadays.
Body: Your baby gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth, and may even crawl. Gabriella is doing the army crawl and scoots herself all over the floor, but not yet crawling.
Brain: Your infant has a crude understanding of cause and effect -- for instance, if you let go of something, it will fall. Gabriella has definitely learned about the cause and effect due to gravity, ugh! She drops her toys a million times and expects us to quickly pick them up for her.
Communication Skills: He responds to his name and probably looks up when you say "No!" Time to start setting limits, Boss. Your baby also whines when you take away a toy or (more likely) a forbidden object. Gabriella has known her name for a little while now. Even when we're on the phone and say her name she looks up thinking we're talking to her. She gets very upset when you take any forbidden object away from her such as the remote, cell phone, or bottle( when she's spilling milk).
Aww Factor: She drinks out of a sippy cup like a big girl!
Fave Toy: Pots, pans, cell phones, remotes -- all things adult are the rage.
white's truck stop restaurant
2 years ago
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