Sunday, August 30, 2009

39 Weeks.....Still Here

We're 39 weeks pregnant today and still no signs of Gabriella coming any time soon. I think if it wasn't for this cough I have I would be feeling very anxious. I feel better than I did Thursday but am not at 100%. It's very frustrating because I never get sick and now it happens at the most unfortunate time. We've been hanging out all weekend not doing much just getting as much rest as possible and praying this goes away. I feel so guilty having to take my medication and knowing that it somehow has to affect my baby, but I also know I have to get better for her.

I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and I will see what she says then. I've been asked if I am going to be induced and unless it is medically necessary or I'm overdue, then it is not in the plan. The bags are packed and we'll will put them in the car this evening just in case we're not at home when I go into labor or my water breaks.

Thanks to Nunie he cleaned the entire house till it was spic and span. I guess I have to thank the Marines for "teaching" him to be thorough and precise when cleaning. So the house is also all ready for Gabriella. We're just all waiting...

I just ask that you say a little prayer so Momma can get all better and welcome this little girl very soon.

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