Being a teacher is ideal to get pregnant in the summer, I will share my reasons for getting pregnant this summer below:
1) Baby would be born in Marh/April which I could take 12 weeks of maternity leave and then the entire summer. I would not return to work until baby is about 5 months, this is of course if I even return at all.
2) Baby and Gabriella would be approximatley 17 months apart-perfect in my opinion.
3) I would have my two kids before 30
4) I want Gabriella and my future children to grow up being very close, play together, and enjoy the same things.
5) I cannot wait to see what our other future kids will be like (I would have 10) if it were at all possible.
Be aware, these are selfish reasons...
4) Baby would be born in March/April and I would have time to get back to ahem pre-prgnancy size in time for our summer trip (we want to do a big one that year).
5) Baby would be old enough to stay with grandma for my big 3-0, I want to celebrate!
Ok besides all the shallow reasons above, I mostly want my kids to be close in age and if we wait until next summer they would be almost 3 years apart. I think that is a little too much time apart for what we had planned. I also want to get my M. Ed but probably will wait once our kids are a little older 4+ and I dream of having my own business one day (yeah I want it all, ha). The longer I wait to have children the longer I will have to put that on hold. Also we thought we only wanted two kids, but once we had Gabriella and fell completely in love with her we have considered having a total of 3. If we do have decide to have 3 children I would like to have them all by 32ish. Of course these are all ideal wishes. It could take us longer to get pregnant, etc, etc. Like I said I'm a planner and like to plan oute everything, I know certain things don't work out that way.
So what are your thoughts? Yay or nay? I guess I have to
P.S. I've already taken all the responsible considerations such as can we afford a baby etc, all these are a GO. I must add that a part of me wants to enjoy Gabriella as an only child a bit longer. I would want it to be just the three of us for a while so I'm definitely torn.