Friday, March 26, 2010

Half a Year Old-Gabriella is 6 Months!

I'm about a week late in posting this. Gabriella turned 6 months on Sunday the 14th but we were in Austin, which by the way it was Gabriella's first mini vacation. Yes, my little girl is half a year old, wow! I remember being pregnant like it was yesterday and here we are dealing with solids, crawling, and the initial planning of her 1st birthday bash. Gabriella is such a big girl.

This past week during Spring Break we (hubbs) put her high chair together and her big girl carseat. She also insists on sleeping on her tummy and cannot keep her socks on. She definitely lets you know when she needs/wants something and cannot get enough of bath time. We started putting her bath tub inside the big tub and let the water hit her like a waterfall-she loves it! She kicks, splahses, and squeals. She also transfers toys from one hand to the other, sits up completely unassisted, low crawls (as daddy calls it), has two beautiful pearly whites, can wear cute little bows, holds her sippy cup (cannot drink out of it yet) and is eating solids. Gabriella is also sleeping in her room (has been since 5ish months). We tried "sleep training" and it worked for us. I know we attempted it when she was younger and I said I would never do it. Well we did and it went great (that's another post though) .She is wearing 9 month clothes. I don't know her weigh/heightt stats since we will be going to the doctor until next week. Here are some more fun facts about Miss Gabriella.

Edit- Gabriella's 6-month stats:
18.5 lbs -90 percentile
28 inches-95 percentile

Months 5 & 6

Senses: Infants are born with a sweet tooth, but by this stage, they've also developed an appreciation for salty tastes, just in time for introducing solids. Gabriella loves sweet peas and carrots.

Body: Big news! Your baby rolls front to back and probably vice versa, and can sit like a tripod, propped up with one arm. Can she now? Gabriella is such a rolly polly! Seriously. She rolls over and over.

Brain: She begins to understand the concepts of putting in and taking out. Gabriella enjoys playing with her "farm" toy and demonstrates this concept when taking out the eggs and veggies. 

Communication Skills: By 6 months, babbling begins to imitate speech in tone and pattern. It also becomes language-specific, so a French baby (oui-oui) and an American baby (wah-wah) will start to sound different when they jabber. Hubbs says that Gabriella will have a motor-mouth like her Momma. She loves to talk (babble), especially at the most inaportune time, like bedtime.

Aww Factor: She can see you from across the room now and will probably react with a big smile. This is definitely true. Sometimes I peek in her window at daycare and she responds with a huge smile or even a cry when she doesn't see me anymore.

Fave Toy: She's starting to learn how to transfer objects from hand to hand. She like anything and everything she can put in her mouth, especially her feet. However, recently she's been amazed with Momma's wedding ring and wants to grab it, smart girl:P

Playtime: "Tell me a story." She can focus her eyes and attention better, so make reading a part of your daily routine. Gabriella likes story time and loves to hit on the books and put them in her mouth.

Mealtime: Add cereal, bananas, and other appropriate, easy-to-mush food to your shopping list. The tongue-thrust reflex subsides; your child is now ready to gum and chew soft solids. Gabriella started solids on her 6 month birthday. I made her sweet peas, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Her fave have been peas and carrots. We'll begin with fruits next week:)

1 comment:

My New Life As Mom said...

Yay Gabriella! Now you need to add her 6th month pic to your sidebar. She's such a big girl, now. Sheesh