Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

We had our 24 week doctor's appointment yesterday and it went great as usual. Just a little striking news, this baby is going to be huge! When the doctor measured the fundal height of my belly(with the tape) I'm measuring 28 1/2 weeks, holy crap!! That means 4 1/2 weeks ahead. Looks like baby has her daddy's genes:) The doctor was not too worried, she said it could be a lot of things such as her position or my body structure, or it very well can be she is just a big baby. We're going to wait until next appointment in 4 weeks and see if this continues, if it does she will send for a growth ultrasound and we'll go from there. A lot can happen until September but if baby continues to measure big it looks like I wouldn't go full term and would be induced. I'm praying that is not the case because I really want to go to labor on my own. Its still too early to determine what will happen so I will keep you'll posted. I did hear her beautiful heartbeat at 142bpm. That's always wonderful!!

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