Monday, February 22, 2010

Someone is cutting two teeth

Yesterday we discovered that Gabriella is cutting two teeth (her bottom center) after she grabbed her daddy's nose and bit it! Once hubbs had moaned and groaned about how much it hurt (what a wuss, lol), I decided to check and sure enough there were two little teeth trying to cut into her gums. We of course made a huge deal about it, called Nana and all! Its funny how the smallest of things are such huge deals now. I started reading more about it this morning and it said it could be weeks before they actually come in so we'll see. She hasn't been extremely cranky or anything so hopefully that will not change. Wish us luck with this new adventure of teething!

Edit- I can see two little white specks and feel them too! Oh and we had a terrible night last night. Let the fun begin!

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